Blog 10

I don’t feel that junk food should be sold to children, just like cigarettes and alcohol are not sold to children. We value eating the right foods and encourage a healthy life style all awhile our children are going to stores and buying unhealthy snacks and drinks. Are we not defeating the purpose of trying to teach them to live a healthy life when we have junk food available for them?  Thus we are counterattacking what we are trying to do. How can we hope to make progress with our children when we don’t make sure healthy choices are more available rather than junk food.

Reality is that when we give our children the choice between a

Blog 9-Not Everyone in a Family Has the Right to Have a Say About a Child

When it comes to who decides what’s best  for a child can very on someone’s opinion. Opinion is that who is responsible for the child that has been there for the child from birth. In some cases its other members of the family that step up an care for the child but in most cases its the parents or just the mother.

I am one of the mothers who have been through everything with my son. Than when my foster mother steps in an starts stating my son needs his father who was never really there or even helpful in any way even refuses to help in any way including child support. I disagree with her. she does not have the right to say what is best for my son because she really doesn’t even know my son for example she doesn’t even know what he likes or even remembers what he can an can not have to eat and drink.

For someone who doesn’t know a child to just decide to one day walk in and start to make demands and claims that they know what is best for the child is just ridiculous on what grounds do they have to make these kinds of claims.

In my case someone whom isn’t and hasn’t been fully involved in my son’s life can an will be very costly. With the long list of medical conditions, the doctors, and the therapists that are all involved in the welfare  of the child. for someone to just assume that they can just walk into the situation not knowing the medical care as well not understanding what has gone on with his father as well as behaviours the repercussions of someone just stepping without knowledge is massive an can be extremely harmful.

Blog 8

How people persuade others to get them to do what they want can very by different ways. One way can to use guilt by doing so they are trying to make  feel bad so that they will give in and do what is wanted by the other not mattering how much they didn’t want to do it. they can and will use facts that they had helped the person in the past. and twist it to fit their needs. whether or not it has anything to do with what they are asking of the person.

Another way the way I rather is to look at it from their point of view than have them look at it from your point of view. This way I feel is best its not manipulating its not using another’s feelings against them . You are simply asking them to view it from another direction rather than their own and can be discussed; than decided on what will or will not be done in regards to what is asked.

They both work but how one would feel after either of them will be very different. With guilt trip one may be happy that they got their way but then regret their choice do to hurting the other for their own gain. As for how I approach the points of view it leaves it open so that the other may chose to not do what is asked and than will not be hurt by being twisted into something they didn’t want to do in the first place.

Blog 6

The writing from Brian Cable in the last stop was very intriguing about how he brings to the suffice the stigma of the funeral homes. About what he had expected to to what he didn’t expect. To know how he interacted with the gentlemen also was nice to read. I like how he pointed out how we teach or lack of teaching; (depends on ones point of view) our children about death. when he stated “(when Grandpa dies, he is said to be “going away”)” (Cable, 2002). we don’t really discuss much about death. most likely do to our own fear of mortality. Understandably so, who really wants to think of their own time coming to an end? I know that I would never want to think of it any more, but its a daily thought I have due too things that can not be changed.

Most can not even imagine the world without them. That thought being unbearable. So much to the point that we as people don’t even really have death in our vocabulary. The simple word being one so apparently horrible that it seems it as if we summon the so called angel of death by just saying the word.

I agree with Mr Cable  about what he firsts says in his writing and I understand how some people can be so scared of a simple word that they refuse  to say it. That they will come up with other ways pf saying for example “passing away”, “moved on to a better place” and what Cable had said.


Cable, B. (2002). The Last Stop. In R. B. Axelrod, & C. R. Cooper, The Concise Guide to

Writing (3rd ed., pp. 57-60). New York, NY: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Blog 7

I like the idea of rewriting, the thought of making things better by working on it. To have the ability to take something simple and make it better and as close as possible to perfect. having found my childhood stories, the ones I wrote. The fun of rereading them seeing how they could be better and what changes could be made to them. For example about a monster I created when I was a little girl, with red glowing eyes large white fangs massive hands with pultruding claws, and hair covering most of it’s body, and how it lurks in the shadows waiting to grab you and rip you helplessly apart.  To have taken the time when I was small to rewrite this story would have taken this from a simple child’s story to a captivating horror story. That would have gripped the imaginations and could have thrilled some people  who like horror stories.

Reading stories of different kinds through the years has helped me in viewing how different people write different stores of different kinds. How some fined it really important to make some details so important for example what a person looks like but than give very little detail on anything else, some writers do the complete opposite. I have noticed in my reading that I rather fantasy stories as well as mysteries, the most and my preferred authors give many details and paint as to say vivid images about persons place and things. as well give everything clearly as you read.


Blog 5

After reading the article on interviews I think the part I would have the hardest time remembering, to do is the background checks and not over lapping with information that is already known.

In doing the background check one can’t always be guaranteed on the information  that we fined due to people can lie thing can be misconceiving or leading. Not all of the information might be there which could lead to one jumping to conclusion. Which could lead to so many problems. Someone feeling insulted, flustered, frustrated, hurt feelings, and so much more. I would feel so horrible if I went into an interview with out having accurate knowledge of who I’m interviewing, or accurate knowledge of the information I’m trying to learn more about. Could you just imagine sitting down with some thinking and feeling you have fully prepared the best you can just to be surprised that your not that well informed on what you were supposed to be. Scary thought right I know it gives me the sakes.

Over lapping information happens when you haven’t done very thorough research on your subject. In turn your left there fiddling with your hands, biting your lip, have silence during the interview do to not knowing hat to ask or say next. In order to avoid this best I think we should pic a topic and or person that we are interested in learning about look into it  the best we can than go to someone who knows more than you that can teach you while you interview them.

{Blog 4} The Last Stop

The historical figure I would like to invite to dinner and sit with to talk to would be Abraham Martins known for the plains of Abraham in Quebec. with me being able to trace my lineage to him and Oliver Le Vasseur yes the  pirate. The questions I would ask him what he thought of being the figure head on land that was used for war? I would ask this because I want to know if he did this with knowledge of what was going to happen? And if it was his way to be remembered? I would also like to ask him what he would think of the world today? his view on then fact that most of his family doesn’t even live in Quebec any more. How the government is different today from when he was alive. I would love to hear my long ago grandfathers point of view on how everything is now why he did what he did and how he would react to having more grand children of races other than white. I would like to know how he would view sharing grand children with a pirate who became a pirate because he went against the queen and destroyed slave trading posts instead of giving them supplies. This interesting grandfather Abraham Martins’ views on todays society would be fascinating to me. What would he say? What would he think? How would he feel? Why did he do what he did? I think it would be wonderful to sit with him even for five minutes.

{Blog 3} Wikipedia Do It For Love Really

In my life Wikipedia  doesn’t really play a role not even in my digital life. I’ve seen it a couple of times but never really bothered with it. If I go looking into the latest on astrophysics I go to the NASA web sight as well as anything else I want to look up. I just like going to the right spots for real information that I can feel confident about.

I’m don’t think or feel that it would be overly likely for me to use Wikipedia and I can’t even think of a time that it would even really happen unless I was requested to do so. I like to be sure of what I’m reading and looking up if I’m going to second guess and not feel confident in what I’m reading than I’m better off looking else where.

It has been suggested by my teachers to not use Wikipedia do to the fact tat one not be sure if what they are reading is real facts or something that someone has made up. There is so much uncertainty in regards to the sight that it seems to be the sight to go to for a fun read and maybe if one choses really look into to fined the real facts of the information that you read on Wikipedia, one can do that for fun if looking for something to do. So in other words I agree with what I have been told by my teachers about Wikipedia and how that its not creditable.

{Blog 2} Shitty First Drafts

I found reading shitty first drafts very enjoyable. It helps me understand the process of writing a great deal. I now understand that I am not alone in the feeling of anxiety when writing, the stress of someone seeing how badly I had wrote something. Even in something such as poetry I write and rewrite and rewrite a simple pome and no one but my mother can read them till I feel confident that its beautiful enough to share with anyone. I understand that most writers write and rewrite their work and have the same fears. Even writing this is a bit difficult knowing for sure who will be reading this, the judgemental thoughts the grading ect, but one just has to get over it and try their best. I will write this and think the hole time how I should have wrote the shitty first draft and maybe another after before I post this. With this all being said I think I have wrote about my own anxieties over writing and having someone read and grade what I have wrote. Can you imagine writing something out putting all of your heart into it and someone reads it and rips it all apart, telling you after that its not good enough, your not creative enough, or your just don’t word something right even if its something small but something. Yes I shouldn’t panic as much as I do but this isn’t something that is easy for me. I defiantly should have wrote a draft or two before posting, but throw caution to the wind how will one know if they don’t try right.


{Blog 1}15 Reasons I Think You Should Blog

After reading 15 reasons t think you should blog I realized it was brain numbing, dull, and very boring. I only hope that this blog wont be nearly as boring, though I can not guarantee that you wont want to go to sleep while reading this. I can only pray that you may at the minimalists enjoy some of what I write on here. I agree with the following reasons, the first one that you will become a better writer. I think this because when writing a blog you think carefully about what you are writing and taking your time to be sure of your wording. The second reason I agree with is that you think better. The reason why I think this is because you have to take your time for wording so the person or persons reading the blog can understand what you are saying, that’s its clear, and to the point.

What I disagree with is earnings the chances of that are so slim and miniscule that for a person to hope to receive payment of money would be absolutely ridiculous. Such things should be done for the enjoyment of sharing rather than payment.

In all honesty I am not really looking forward to blogging. I use to blog when I was younger. I had a blogging partner in poetry. I haven’t blogged in many years since his passing. This will be a very different experience for me this time around it not being poetry, being graded, and limited audience. I’m hoping for the best with this all.